Бібліотека - Мовознавство - Збірник вправ з порівняльної граматики англійської та української мов

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Головна » Бібліотека - Мовознавство - Збірник вправ з порівняльної граматики англійської та української мов

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They've just found an old wreck off the cast of Florida. .... 's proba bly Spanish. 36. The following nouns indicate both male and female sexes in English. How is sex differentiation represented in Ukrainian with these nouns (lexically, morphemically, homonymically). Orphan, spouse, passenger, owner, visitor, lawyer, librarian, cook, cousin, foreigner, lawyer, scientist, judge, wrestler, adult, tourist, librari an, relation, artist, journalist, guest, stranger, darling, graduate, architect, musician. 37. Form the nouns of the opposite sex from the Ukrainian nouns which allow it. Translate them into English pertaining sex differentia tion, where possible.
Ukrainian Females дядина сват English Males Females

Males свекор


бранець селянка парубок дяк братовб снігур синиця скрипаль вівчар білосніжка коханка наречена візажист хрещениця мачуха гном орач циганка касир гімназист піхотинець киянка павук циклоп вишивальниця богиня клоун футболіст бджоляр мадам породілля боєць ґазда володар ткаля жайвір керманич шофер доярка


небіжка покоївка (гувернантка) пліткар пан труп лепетун дурепа брехуха муха ледар келійник духівник гадюка речник

38. Group the list of Ukrainian nouns into A (of dual gender in Ukrainian) & B (of common sex in Ukrainian). How is reference to a particular sex in English reached? Introduce them in sentences in English to pertain sex differentiation. Неборака, аташе, плакса, незграба, посол, магістр, невдаха, ака демік, молодець, вампір, замазура, репетитор, немовля, листоноша, ледащо, свідок, базікало, варвар, дипломат, сусіда, конферансьє, інвалід, нероба, перекладач, доцент, сирота, дурисвіт, сердега, старо ста, підприємець, лівша, роззява, стиляга, нікчема, недотепа.

39. Give the English nomination to the following Ukrainian cases: Називний — Орудний — Родовий — Місцевий — Давальний — Кличний — Знахідний — 22

40. State which case forms of the nouns express the meanings a) of the agent; b) of the instrument; c) of the addressee; d) of the accusa tive relations; f) of the objective relations in the following sentences in Ukrainian. Translate them into English. Are semantic relations per tained? 1. Мотрі хотілося молитися до сонця (Леп.). 2. Стояла зима. Кілька днів мело колючим снігом. Потім стихло. Ударили морози (Коз.). 3. Прісною прохолодою повіяло з лісу (Ст.). 4. Платона ли хоманило і заливало потом (Довж.). 5. За що ж тебе, брате, у своїй хаті оковано, одурено й розіп'ято? (Т. Ш.). 6. У великій, розкішно вбраній килимами хаті, зігнувшись над столом, сидів товариш про курора (Мир.). 7. Такої дивної отрути я ще ніколи не пила (Кост.). 8. Митцю не треба нагород ... (Кост.). 9. Хлопець то червоніє, то біліє, він тремтячою рукою тре чоло (Грінч.). 10. Не смійся з другого, щоб тобі не було того (Нар. тв.). 11. Бджоли перемовляються танцем, у них немає мови (Гур.). 12. Десь по обіді через відкрите вікно до ньо го долинуло гурчання мотора і враз стихло (Цюпа). 13. І не легко на чужині воскресити віру у людини (Мал.). 14. Крики, оплески не вщухали. Він раптом підніс руки до обличчя, закрив лице і вибіг за лаштунки (Башт.). 15. Один колись домовика бачив у стайні, іншо му привиділась при місяці русалка під вербою (Н. Лев.). 16. Де ба гато крику, там мало роботи (Нар. тв.). 17. Згаяного часу нічим не доженеш (Нар. тв.). 18. Завдяки райдузі небо і земля поєднались (Гонч.). 19. У веселих турботах табірного життя дні минали швидко (Багм.). 41. Rewrite the sentences using 's or just an apostrophe ('). Translate right hand sentences into Ukrainian. Comment on the means of rendering possessivity in the Ukrainian Language. 1. This bicycle is for a child === This is a child's bicycle. 2. This pen belongs to the teacher ==== 3. He described the career of the actress ==== 4. That's a job of a stewardess ===== 5. These toys belong to the children ==== 6. This is a club for women ==== 7. It's a school for girls ==== 8. This is a lounge for residents ==== 9. This umbrella belongs to James ==== 10. This is the father of my sister in law ==== 23

11. I'm staying at the premises of my aunt ==== 12. We enjoyed the sonata composed by Beethoven ====== 13. The silence lasted a moment ======= 42. Rewire the sentences using nouns in the possessive case where possible. Translate the restructured sentences into Ukrainian and arrange them into the following groups of possessivity building pat terns: a) possessive adjectives; b) relative adjectives; c) genitive case form of the nouns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. I can see the bottom of the box. __________ That's the decision of the committee. ________ It's the fault of no one.___________ This is a copy of the poetry of Keats.__________ That's the leg of the table._________ Where's the key of the car? __________ That's the bell of the village church that you can here. _________ These are the stables of the horses.___________ I've just received the salary for two months. __________ We were married in the church named after to St Andrew. __________ I bought this at the department store owned by Marks & Spencer. ___________ That's the address Charles lives at. _____________ She just noticed a tired smile of Jon. _____________ For the sake of his honor he has got to commit suicide. ___________ He knew the needs of the poor & the conditions of the sick were alarming. ________ There passes a man from the bank._________

43. Put the framed nouns in the genitive case & inset them in the required gaps. God, stone, uncle, director, Timothy, kin, politicians, bride, servants, father, night, woman, country, clerks, grocer.


1. That night he had chosen a basement bar a ______ throw from Scotland Yard. 2. As he passed through the ______ room he saw an evening paper spread out conspicuously on the desk of the _______ nephew. 3. He had not been at _________ for nearly two years. 4. You need a good ________ sleep. 5. I cannot be blamed for all my _____ doings. 6. The _______ wives were more expensively dressed than the Civil ________. 7. One day on the way to ________, I saw Irwing sit ting on the steps of the house. 8. Why, for ______ sake, why must we go through all this hell? 9. I stopped at the _____ _____ _____ silk hat on the seat of a straight chair across the room. 10. A _______ love is not worth anything until it has been cleaned of all romanticism. 11. Crime is the product of the _______ social order. 44. Choose the correct noun group. 1. (a bus's/ a bus) station 11. the (paper's/ paper) editor 2. (a toy's/ a toy) shop 12 my (boss's/ boss) car 3. (the teacher's/ the teacher) office 13. (road's/ road) signs 4. (Tom's/ the Tom) plan 14. a (war's/ a war) film 5. (a horse's/ a horse) race 15. (chocolate's/ chocolate) milk 6. (vegetable's/ vegetable) soup 16. (space's / space) rocket 7. (China's/ the China) history 17. (Katie's/ Katie) fear of fights 8. (a cowboy's/ a cowboy) film 18. the (cat's/ cat) tail 9. those (women's/ women) clothes 19. (army/ army's) officers 10. (a glass's/ a glass) factory 20. a (ten mile/ ten miles) walk 45. What do you call these? When restructuring the phrases use one of the following: possessive noun, noun + noun word combina tion, of phrase. 1. The file where legal documents are kept 2. An old habit that Marion has 3. A hotel with five stars 4. The problem that the police force face 5. Christmas holiday and its excitement 6. Your suitcase and its lock 7. Shoe made of leather 8. Leather for making shoes 9. Powder made from soap


10. The earth and its surface 11. Chairs for the garden 12. The house where Sarah &Henry live 13. Ink used for drawing 14. A note that is worth ten pounds 15. A meal that consists of three courses 16. A shop that sells music 17. A factory that makes biscuits 18. Tea made from mint 19. A cupboard in the kitchen 20. The shade that the tree provides 21. The success and its price 22. The shop owned by the hairdresser 23. A fur coat worn by an actress 24. A speed limit of thirty miles an hour 25. A house built two hundred years ago 26. A language course that lasts four years 46. Combine the words in brackets using one of the three patterns (noun+noun, noun+'s+noun, noun+preposition+noun). Sometimes there is more than one possibility. 1. Your coat is on the ______ (back, chair). 2. You've just spilt the _______ (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some _________ (paper, toilet)? 4. I never listened to my _______ (advice, parents). 5. What did that ________ (road, sign) say? 6. It's just a mess in here. There are empty _________ (wine, bottles) everywhere. 7. The _______ (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of state. 8. Can I borrow your ________ (brush, hair)? 9. What happened at the _______ (film, end)? 10. It's my ___________ (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 11. The _________ (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 12. The ________ (government, economic, policy) is confusing. 13. The annual (rate, inflation) is 4%. 14. Are there_______ (cups, coffee) in your bedroom? 15. Do you want a ________ (coffee, cup)?


47. Translate into English using the possessive nouns, of phrases, nominal word combinations. 1. Учорашні телевізійні новини були невтішні. 2. Діти були втом лені після триденного походу. 3. Ті звички Джека дратують кожного. 5. Давид провів два тижні у містера Пеготі. 6. Від'їжджаючи на канікули, хлопчик нічого не знав про майбутні заручини матері. 7. У присутності свого чоловіка мати боялася приголубити сина. 8. Щой но відзнятий фільм про війну претендує на премію “Оскар”. 9. Іграш кова фабрика розпочала виробництво дитячих візочків. 10. Ніжки стола були нерівні, й він хитався. 11. Двогодинна затримка вильо ту, здається, не позначилась на настрої пасажирів. 12. Усе літо діти провели у тітки. 13. На дні пляшки зібрався ледь помітний осад. 13. Місячне світло лилось крізь віття дерев. 14. Ми випадково зус тріли братову дружину моєї колеги. 15. У день іспиту ніхто із сту дентів не нервував. 48. State which case the nouns of the following Ukrainian word combinations are used in. Translate them into English commenting upon the means of rendering the Ukrainian case forms. Учасник походу; належати до видатних діячів; брати участь у виз вольній війні; на снігу; без хліба; у гаях; на полях; бачити явори; на схилах Дніпра; через вікно; бути живописцем; виховати національ ну гідність; поема жалю й смутку; почати казку; поглянути на луги та діброви; належати поетові; рости поміж беріз; виготовлено майстра ми; салат з м'яса та овочів; тріпотіти крильми; заростати бур'яном; віддячити милосердям за невтомну працю; думка стала словом. 49. Translate into English using the genitive case form, of phrase or nominal word combinations. Тролейбусний маршрут; лісові галявини; пориви вітру; листопа дові дні; театральні афіші; компасна стрілка; кленові листки; січневі морози; львівські вулиці; краплі дощу; студентські аудиторії; ки тайські шовки; місячна зарплата; кабінет директора; батьківські збо ри; спальня батьків; громадська думка; думка учнів; козине молоко; осине жало; майбутнє Гонконгу; тінь від дерева; ціна успіху; вовна з вівці; взуттєвий магазин; двадцятип'ятихвилинна прогулянка; гос тювати у Браунів; дитячі ігри; десятидоларові банкноти; очі мате ринські; вдовина туга; хорові співи; бурхливість рік; волошкова даль; дороги поколінь. 27

50. Define the means that render the category of definiteness/ indefiniteness with the head nouns in the next given word combina tions. A vehicle that uses the power of the sun; my oldest son, human beings; model human beings; king's last journey; to be in bed for hours; to be at work; the ones in the window; two of those coats; washing powder; to buy food; cooking oil; a bottle of cooking oil; an interesting experience; wine; the wines of Italy; two teas; a Mr Brown; a dozen eggs; half a pound of margarine; a jar of jam; to play music; to play some Bach; doing research; to do a research into radioactivity; giving advice; mineral water; fizzy mineral water; to contain egg (eg. a pie); Dave; our neigh bor Dave. 51. Suggest examples in English to illustrate the below stated means of the semantic category of definiteness: a) determiners; b) quantifiers; c) pre posed modifiers; d) post posed modifiers. 52. Comment on how the articles render the category of definite ness/ indefiniteness of the nouns in the following sentences. 1. Is there life after death? She has lived the life of misery since the death of her husband. 2. They experience freedom from pain. The free dom to say what you want is a basic democratic freedom. 3. There's a feel ing of love, joy, beauty and peace. My new car's a beauty. It's a real joy to drive. 4. That numerous people have had Near Death Experiences is not a doubt. There is still a doubt in my mind about whether it was a right thing to do. 5. The future looks bleak — drought, disease and economic collapse. The drought in Africa last year cost many lives. There is a drought every year. 53. Write a, the or nothing in each gap. 1. _____ worry about _____ state of his finances drove him to ____ despair. 2. He sauntered down _____ streets without anybody in _____ world to support him. 3. ____ main worry of ______ people is ______ good health. 28

4. _____news is just coming into _____ studio of Mr Paul Beaston, ____ film Director. 5. I can't wait to go on holiday. ____ sea, ____sand and ___ books — that's what I want. 6. I went to _____ theatre last night and saw ____ great play. I thought it was good, anyway, but I read in ____ papers this morning that ___ critics had slammed it. 7. ______ Paris of _____ 1980's is nothing compared to _____ Paris of 1968. 8. She was appointed _____ President of _____ National Union of ___ Printworkers. 9. _____ last year was good for business. 10. I decorated _____ children's bedroom as fast as I could. In ___ week, I had finished. 11. I met my wife at ___ party on ___ New Year's Eve. It was on ___ Wednesday, I seem to recall. 54. Supply the or —. 1. A lot of people are giving up ___ meat. ___ meat we had for lunch last Sunday was tough. 2. As someone said, ___ life is just one damned thing after another. I don't know much about ___ life of ___ Napoleon. 3. ___ running is supposed to be good for you. I ought to be fit with all ___ running I do, but I don't feel fit. 4. Which is your favourite colour? — ___ red. I think ___ red one will suit you best. ___ red is more your colour. 5. We learnt ___ English at school. ___ English we learnt was useless. 6. ___ London is a safe city today, but ___ London of the 18th centu ry was pretty rough. 7. ___ watches have become very cheap and very attractive. Most of ___ watches you see today work on ____ quarts. 8. ___ Bach gives me a great deal of pleasure. ___ Bach recording you bought for my birthday is first class. 9. What has been the longest period of ___ peace in ___ history? If you study ___ History, you've got to read a lot. 10. I'm not interested in the price of ____ silver or the price of ____ gold. 11. ____ fasting during Ramadan is more difficult in the summer months. 29

12. ____ journeys to unknown places require a lot preparation. 13. ____ lives of _____ poets and ____ musicians have often been unbearably difficult. 55. Put in a, the, an or —. Translate the text into Ukrainian picking up proper means to render the nominal category of definiteness/ indefiniteness. I travel all over ___ world on ___ business and my neighbor thinks my life is one long holiday. You know what ___ business travel is like: up at ___ dawn to catch ____ plane; ___ breakfast in ___London, ___ lunch in ___ New York, ____ luggage in ___ Bermuda. When you are in ___ sky, you see only ___ snow in ___ Arctic or ___ Greenland. You have glimpses of ____ Andes or ___ Pacific. You are always exhausted. Your wife or husband complains you are never there to take ___ children to ___ school or put them to ___ bed. When you get home your neigh bor says “Another nice holiday, eh?” Oh, give me ___ Home, Sweet Home any day. 56. Supply the or — with proper nouns. 1. I've always understood ___ Dark Ages to refer to ___ Medieval Europe. 2. Ferguson has traveled everywhere from ___ Central Asia to ___ Arctic. 3. I've been to___ Brazil and ____ Argentina, but I've never been to ___ USA. 4. I'd love to do a tour of European capitals and visit ___ London, ___ Paris and ___Vienna. 5. I live in ____ Montague Road, number 27. 6. I could never afford to stay at hotels like ___ Brown's or ___ Hilton. 7. I've been climbing in ____ Alps, but I've never managed to get up ___ Mount Blanc. 8. A lot of people have tried to cross ____ Sahara without being prop erly prepared. 9. I'd like to travel down ____ Nile as far as ____ Luxor. 10. You cannot visit London without seeing _____ Buckingham Palace. 11. We had an early dinner at ____ Leoni's and then went to a play at ____ Globe Theatre. 30

12. There's a splendid view over ____ Lake Geneva from this hotel. 13. I read ____ Economist every week and _____ Time magazine. 14. The ancient Greeks believed in gods. The idea of ____ God was not known to them. 15. ____ United Nations may be a talking shop, but so is ____ Congress. 16. I've read Homer's ____ Odyssey, but I haven't read Joyce's ____ Ulysses. 57. Look at the addresses and write the sentences. eg. Seaport Bus Station is in Queen's Road. Seaport Bus Station, Queen's Road King Edward College, College Road Grand Theatre, George Street St. John's Park, South Street Odeon Theatre, The Boulevard Webster's Department Store, High Street Clarendon Art Gallery, Newton Lane Bristol Hotel, Westville Way 58. Complete these sentences from the guide to London with the рroper nouns using the definite or zero article. 1. The boat train leaves from _______. | 1.Victoria Station 2. ____________ is south of the river. | 2. National Theatre 3. The Serpentine is a lake in _______. | 3. Hyde Park 4. You can see planes taking off at _____. | 4. Heathrow Airport 5. Nelson's Column is in ________. | 5. Trafalgar Square 6. Walk a little way along ______. | 6. Westminster Bridge 7. From there you take a view of ______. | 7. Houses of Parliament 8. The Queen lives at ________. | 8. Buckingham Palace 9. Arsenal Football Club is in _______. | 9. North London 10. __________ is in __________. | 10. Savoy Hotel, Strand 59. Put in these names using the where necessary: Andes, Anglesey, Brussels, Irish Republic, Italy, Lake Michigan, Mount McKinley, North, Pennsylvania, River Seine, United Kingdom, West Indies. 1. Harrisburg is the capital of ______. 2. Dublin is in _________. 3. Sicily is a part of ______. 4. _________ are a mountain range in South America. 5. _________ is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 31

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

_________ is an island off the north coast of Wales. Jamaica is an island in ________. __________ flows through Paris. ___________ is the capital of Belgium. ____________ is the highest mountain in the USA. Leeds is in __________ of England.

60. Translate into English. Mind the correct use of the articles with the proper names. 1. Ірландія острів чи континент? 2. Уральські гори вищі, ніж Аль пи, чи не так? 3. Хто населяє Європу? 4. У яких країнах розмовляють німецькою? 5. Волга довша, ніж Темза? 6. Яка мова важча, китайська чи японська? 7. Турки, араби, афганці, індійці, китайці, японці насе ляють Азію. 8. Монголія така ж за величиною, як Канада? 9. Фін ляндія, Норвегія, Швеція, Данія розташовані у північній Європі. 10. Де розташовані Великі озера? 11. На якому континенті пустеля Гобі? 12. Він вважає себе американцем, хоча батько — поляк, а мати ро дом з Італії. 13. На Північному полюсі не так холодно, як на Південно му, хоча тут буває півроку ніч, а півроку можна бачити північне сяйво. 14. Велика Британія — острівна країна, яка відділена від Франції про токою Дувр. 15. Африка відділена від Австралії Індійським океаном. 16. Дунай протікає сімома європейськими країнами. 17. Тейлори жи вуть у маєтку в передмісті Бірмінгема. 18. Філіппіни — індонезійська країна. 19. Бангкок — столиця Таїланду. 20. Канарські, Багамські, Сей шельські острови — улюблені місця відпочинку заможних ділових лю дей та знаменитостей. 21. Скелясті гори простягаються уздовж західного узбережжя Північної Америки. 22. Вестмінстерське абатст во, Букінгемський палац, лондонський Тауер, будинок парламенту — архітектурні пам'ятки історичного Лондона. 23. З аеропорту Хітроу можна дістатись у сімдесят країн світу. 24. Ейфелева вежа — у Па рижі, Акрополь — в Афінах, а Ватикан — у Римі. 25. Площа Піккаділлі вважається історичним перехрестям Лондона й серцем сучасного театрального життя. 61. Replace the underlined words with the given words putting in a, an or the: articles, bomb, criminal, game, pedestrian, pizza, teacher, waitress. 1. We had something for lunch. 2. She dropped the plates. 32

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

We played it on holiday. Someone stepped into the road. I read something in the paper. The pupils didn't like him. The police arrested someone. It exploded at midnight.

62. Supply a/an, the or —. 1. We were looking for __ place to spend ___ night. ____ place we found turned out to be in___ charming village. ___ village was called ____ Lodsworth. 2. ____ individual has every right to expect personal freedom. ___ freedom of ____ individual is something worth fighting for. 3. Yes, my name is ___ Simpson, but I'm not ___ Simpson you are looking for. 4. When you go out, would you please go to ___ supermarket and get some butter. 5. I've got ___ appointment this afternoon. I've got to go to ____ doctor's. 6. We prefer to spend our holiday in ___ country, ___ mountains or by ___ sea. 7. We've seen what ___ earth looks like from ___ moon. 8. This is ___ front room. ___ ceiling and ___ walls need decorating, but __ floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with ___ carpet. 9. You are imagining ___ things. All your fears are in ___ mind. 10. Look at this wonderful small computer. ____ top lifts up to form ____ screen. ___ front lifts off to form ____ keyboard and ___ whole thing weighs only 5 kilos. 11. ____ history of ___ world is ___ history of ___ war. 12. Is there ___ moon round ___planet ___Venus. 63. Say whether the underlined nouns realize the semantic catego ry of definiteness or indefiniteness. What means creates it? Translate the text into Ukrainian pertaining the exposed category of the noun. Mr Denys Stocks, a retired policeman, has just been given a B.Sc. for twelve years' research into ancient Egyptian industrial methods. Egyptologists have often wondered how Egyptians were able to cut such hard stone and how they produced such fine jewellery. Mr Stocks has shown that Egyptians used saws and drills. The saws and the drills were 33

made of copper, which is very soft. But Egyptian craftsmen turned them into powerful tools. First a craftsman made a cut in a stone with a soft saw. Then the craftsman poured sand into the cut. The hard sand got into the teeth of the saw and did a cutting. In this way, a worker could cut basalt, one of the hardest rocks. The sand he used turned into a very fine powder. The powder was then used by jewelers to cut precious stones and to make delicate jewellery. 64. Decide whether the following Ukrainian nouns realize the semantic category of definiteness or indefiniteness. State the means of its realization in both languages. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Зараз за домом ріс старий розкішний сад (Н. Лев). 2. Про на вчання, завдяки якому хтось може оволодіти риторичним мис тецтвом, я тверджу: потрібно, щоб ми намагалися вкласти працю і зусилля, рівні тому подвигу, котрий кожний має перед красномовст вом (Феоф.). 3. В усіх народів світу існує повір'я, що той, хто забув звичаї своїх батьків, карається людьми і Богом. Він блукає по світі, як блудний син, і ніде не може знайти собі притулку та пристанови ща, бо він загублений для свого народу (Вороп.). 4. Вирують весняні струмки, курличуть ключі журавлині (Лук.). 5. У багатьох началь ницьких кабінетах бачили цього щуплявого аса з блідим, ніби весь час схвильованим обличчям і мовою різкою, нервовою, вимогливою (Гонч.). 6. Дужчав мороз. Дим з коминів валив рівно, зливаючись з небом. От на цій річечці вирішив Кузьма самотужки побудувати місток (Ст.). 7. Мономах втомлено озирався. Коли б зараз половець ка орда змогла їх настигнути, то його вої загинули б. І Святополча дружина, і Давида Святославича ратники полягли б у цьому розгас лому, розм'яклому степу. Але в цю теплу непогодь і половчани на своїх конях не рушать. І веж своїх не покотять швидко... (Іванч.). 8. Кожна голова має свій розум. (Нар. тв.). 65. Match partitives with mass and abstract nouns to let them be counted. a slice of rubbish a piece of rice a loaf of paper a stick of chocolate a bar of chalk 34

a sheet of a grain of a pile of a heap of a lump of a blade of a block of a strip of an item of an article of a jar of a tube of a chunk of a fit of a word of a drop of

bread cake bacon coal sugar grass news land dew furniture passion research information advice toothpaste beer evidence grass honey

66. Translate the following expressions with partitives into Ukrainian. A cube of ice; a ball of string; a jar of jam; a bag of flour; a period of calm; a spell of work; an army of unemployed; a bunch of parsley; a set of cutlery; a swarm of bees; a board of directors; a flock of sheep; a drop of water; a meter of cloth; not a grain of truth; a pile of logs; scraps of con versation; a touch of mockery; a mountain of debts; a blob of wool; a morsel of cheese; not a shred of evidence; a speck of dust; a trace of anger; a wave of heat; a touch of garlic; a pinch of salt. 67. Put these back into English using a partative. Спалах блискавки; клубок ниток; вуглинка; ні йоти довіри; віхтик паперу; подих вітру; столова ложка меду; рада директорів; напад гніву; жбан молока; горнятко сметани; рій бджіл; ключ журавлів; зграя вовків; косяк риб; табун коней; стадо худоби; ро дина коралів; низка намиста; гроно винограду; пасмо волосся; крихта хліба; брила чорнозему; купа сміття; плитка шоколаду; пучка кропу; гуркіт грому; щіпка солі; вияв ревнощів; присмак ко ріанду. 35

68. The below given is a list of quantifiers which serve as noun determiners. Select the proper ones to go with each stated pattern. Make up word combinations to correspond to the patterns. (not) many; both; a couple of; dozens; hundreds of; (a) few; fewer; a/ the majority of; a minority of; a num ber of; several; (not) much; a (small) amount of; a great/ good deal of; (a) lit tle; less; the fewest; the least; a bit of; some (of the); any (of the); all (the); hardly any; (not) enough; half of the/ half the; a lot of; lots of; more; most; most of the; no; none of the; the other; part of the; plenty of; the rest of the; each; either; every; neither; one; the only; the other; some of the; the whole of the; a good many/ a great many of; loads of; masses of; tons of; the remain der of; various of; certain of; the rest of; heaps of; a number of.

1. Quantifier + plural countable noun ____________________ 2. Quantifier + uncountable noun ____________________ 3. Quantifier + plural count able or uncountable noun ________________ 4. Quantifier + singular countable noun ___________________

69. Translate into English using quantifiers given in the table. Кожен українець; ніхто з опитаних; ще одна неприємність; части на сюїти; інша національність; дещо з прочитаного; незначний приріст населення; величезна кількість макулатури; і керівник, і йо го заступник; дещо з опери; кіпа паперів; купа сміття; величезна кількість боргів; хто небудь з працівників; будь яка книга; мало ри би у супі; мало риби у ставку; більша частина населення; кожен з цих студентів; половина відпустки; ніхто з присутніх; ніякої допо моги; жодного стільця; уся країна; усе з завойованого; маса невідо мого; мало роботи; мало робочих місць; все написане; майже ніякої користі; решта туристів; залишки їжі; дещо з ювелірних виробів; де які прикраси; жодної дитини; ніяких дітей; кожен зі списку; мало надії; дещо з роздумів; деякі роздуми; низка питань; майже ніхто з видатних діячів; якийсь гість; безліч запрошених; майже ніяких опадів; ніякого дощу; сила силенна розваг; численні делегації.


70. Select the right predicate. State what number of the predicate subject predicate agreement requires in Ukrainian. 1. The whole of America (was/ were) shocked by what had happened. 2. Nearly all of the increase (has/ have) been caused by inflation. 3. Only a few of the attackers (was/ were) armed. 4. Some of the heard (was/ were) embarrassing. 5. Some (have/ has) compared his work to Picasso's. 6. Few of these organizations (survive/ survives) for long. 7. Much of the day (was/ were) taken up with the classes. 8. Very large quantities of aid (was/ were) needed. 9. Plenty of holiday makers (tramp/ tramps) through Petra's rocky tombs. 10. Plenty of bread (was/ were) baked for our journey. 11. There (is/ are) large numbers of inaccuracies in the report. 12. Fewer people nowadays (go/ goes) to church. 13. He thought that lots of lovely money (was/ were) the source of happiness. 14. (Has/ Have) any of this been helpful? 15. Two of these (has/ have) been help ful. 16. Each of the drawings (is/are) slightly different. 17. Masses and masses of food (was/ were) left over. 18. I've got two bright students, but the rest (is/ are) average. 19. The Beatles had their first hit record in 1962 and the rest (is/ are) the history. 20. There (was/ were) no union, nobody to look after us. 21. No tracks (was/ were) seen. 22. None of this (has/ have) happened without our consent. 22. Neither sex (has/ have) a monopoly on thought or emotion. 23. Neither of these extremes (prove/ proves) anything. 71. Supply of where necessary. 1. There have been a lot …. changes to our plans. 2. Are there any eggs in the fridge? — Yes, there are a couple … . 3. You only need to use a small amount …. salt in a dish like this. 4. There's been a lot less … interest in this idea than they expected. 5. A lot …. the trouble was caused by a faulty switch. 6. There's plenty …. food for everybody. 7. I've got much more …. experience in business than you think. 8. I'd like a little less …. soup, please. 9. There were plenty …. complaints everywhere. 10. How much milk is there in the pan? — None …. 11. How much of the milk have you used? — None ….. it. 12. We need much more …. this material, but it's hard to get. 13. Some …. students complained about the canteen. 14. Some …. my students complained about the canteen. 15. There are a lot more …. students studying English this year. 37

72. Put in a little, a lot of, few, a few, fewer, many, much. Two years ago I moved to a new neighbourhood. There seemed to be very …. people in this area who are without telephones, so I expected to get a new phone quickly. I applied for one as soon as I moved into a new house. “We aren't supplying …. new phones in your area”, an engineer told me. “… people want new phones at the moment and the company is employing …. engineers than last year so as to save money. A new phone won't cost you …. money, but it will take …. time. We can't do anything for you before December”. You need …. patience if you are waiting for a new phone and you need …. friends whose phones you can use as well. The December came and went, but there was no sign of a phone. I went to the company's local office to protest. “They told me I'd have a phone by December”, I protested. “Which year?”, the assistant asked. 73. Translate into English using quantifiers. Mind subject predicate agreement. 1. Дещо з його промови було повчальним. 2. Крізь затягнуті фіранки у кімнату проникало мало сонячного світла. 3. Ніхто з пер шокурсників не був присутнім на вечорі зустрічі з випускниками вузу.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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