Головна » Бібліотека - Мовознавство - Збірник вправ з порівняльної граматики англійської та української мов
9. A List of ing Count Nouns: beginning being building drawing feeling finding hearing meaning meeting offering painting saying setting sewing showing sitting spelling suffering turning warning writing 10. A list of ing Nouns Combining with go: angling blackberrying 106 boating bowling canoeing caravanning electioneering hang gliding heiliskiing mountaineering paragliding shoplifting sightseeing skateboarding snorkeling surfing weightlifting window shopping windsurfing yachting 11. A List of Common Compound Countable Nouns: address book air conditioner air raid alarm clock assembly line baby sitter back seat driver bank account bird of prey book token blood donor bride to be bring and buy sale brother in law burglar alarm bus stop can opener car park come on compact disc comrade in arms contact lens cover up credit card dining room drawing pin driving licence estate agent fairy tale film star fire engine fork lift truck frying pan guided missile health centre heart attack high school human being letter box lily of the valley looker on musical instrument nervous breakdown news bulletin old hand one parent family package holiday parent Teacher Association parking meter passer by pen friend personal computer polar bear police station post office runner up sleeping bag summing up swimming pool T shirt tea bag telephone number traveler's check tea table washing machine X ray youth hostel zebra crossing 12. A List of Common Singular Compound Nouns: age of consent arms race brain drain color bar cost of living death penalty diplomatic corps dress circle drying up 107 fire brigade general public generation gap greenhouse effect human race labour force labour market long jump mother tongue open air private sector public sector rank and file solar system sound barrier space age welfare state women's movement 13. A List of Common Uncountable Compound Nouns: air conditioning air traffic control barbed wire birth control bubble bath capital punishment central heating chewing gum common sense cotton wool data processing do it yourself dry cleaning family planning fancy dress fast food first aid food poisoning further education general knowledge hay fever heart failure higher education hire purchase income tax junk food law and order lost property mail order make up mineral water nail varnish natural history old age pocket money remote control science fiction show business show jumping sign language social security social work soda water stainless steel table tennis talcum powder toilet paper unemployment benefit value added tax washing powder washing up liquid water skiing writing paper 14. A List of Common Plural Compound Nouns: armed forces baked beans civil rights current affairs French fries grass roots 108 high heels human rights industrial relations inverted commas licensing laws luxury goods modern languages natural resources race relations road works social services social studies swimming trunks vocal cords winter sports yellow pages 15. A List of Partitives: a) of specific items or amounts: a bar of chocolate/ soap; a block of cement; a book of matches/ stamps; a cake of soap; a cloud of dust; a flash of lightning; a head of hair; an item of news; a jet of water; a loaf of bread; a peal of thunder; a pile of earth; a portion of food; a roll of paper; a slice of meat; b) used with uncount nouns: a blob of wool; a clump of soil; a dash of cream; a drop of paint; a grain of truth; a heap of rubbish; a knob of coal; a lump of sugar; a mass of rub ble; a morsel of cheese; a mountain of debts; a piece of research; a pile of logs; a pinch of powder; a pool of the unemployed; a portion of population; a scrap of conversation; a sheet of paper; a shred of evidence; a slice of lemon; a speck of dust; a spot of sauce; a touch of mockery; a trace of autumn; b) containers: a bag of tricks/ bones (of a thin person); a barrel of beer; a basin of water; a basket of fruit; a bottle of milk; a bowl of porridge; a box of sweets; a bucket of water; a can of beer; a carton of cigarette; a case of wine; a cask of water/ wine; a crate of empty bottles; a cup of tea; a flask of tea; a glass of water; a jar of coffee/ tomato sauce/ pickles; a jug of water; a mug of cocoa; a pack of animals/ submarines; a packet of bis cuits/ crisp/ cereal; a plate of spaghetti; a pot of flowers; a sack of money; a spoon of jam; a tablespoon of medicine; a tank of fuel/ gas/ petrol; a tea spoon of sauce; a tin of soup; a tub of margarine/ camellias; a tube of lager; a tumbler of orange juice; a vase of flowers; c) of small quantities: a blade of grass; a breath of air; a crust of bread; a dash of soda; a grain of rice; a lock of hair; a part of responsibility; a pat of butter; a portion of the blame; a section of orchestra/ motorway; a scrap of paper; a segment of the elderly; d) of big quantities: an amount of public anger/ money; an army of the unemployed; a clump of trees/ soil; a heap of clothes/ work; a mass of color/ notes, a mountain of difficulties; a pile of books/ ironing; a portion of condemna tion; a pool of cheap labour; 109 e) of measures: a gallon of patrol; a length of cloth; a liter of oil; an ounce of gold; a pint of milk; a pound of coffee; a spoonful of medicine; a yard of cloth; f) of abstract notions: a bit of advice; a branch of knowledge; a fit of anger; a piece of research; a spot of trouble; g) of types and species: an article of furniture; a brand of soap; an item of news; a kind of bis cuit; a species of insect; a type of drug; a variety of pasta; h) “a game of”: billiards, bridge, cards, chess, cricket, darts, squash, table tennis, ten nis, volleyball; i) “a pair of”: boots, braces, glasses, knickers, pants, pliers, pyjamas, scissors, shears, shoes, shorts, skates, skis, slippers, socks, stockings, tights, tongs, trousers; j) referring to groups: an audience of followers; a band of soldiers; a bouquet of flowers; a bunch of grapes; a circle of friends; a clump of trees; a collection of coins; a colony of ants; a company of travellers; a crew of sailors; a crowd of peo ple; a deck of cards; a drove of cattle; a family of snowdrops; a fleet of ships; a flock of birds; a gang of thieves; a group of people; a herd of cat tle; a hive of bees; a horde of children; a mass of people; a mob of hooli gans; a pack of cards; a panel of experts; a party of visitors; a plague of locusts; a school of fish; a set of teeth; a shelf of books; a string of pearls; a team of oxen/ huskies; a troupe of performers/ dancers. k) of shape and movement: a blob of glue/ paint; a column of soldiers; a ring of children; a shaft of sunlight; a stick of chalk/ celery/ rock (sweets); a strip of land; a thread of discussion/ speech; a tuft of hair/ grass; a wall of men/ things; a drib ble of saliva/ oil; a gush of praise; a gust of wind/ laughter; a jet of air/ flames; a spurt of activity/ effort/ speed; a stream of abuse/ conscious ness; a torrent of rushing water/ angry words. 16. A List of Prepositional Nouns: a) followed by preposition “to” access addiction 110 adherence affront allegiance allergy allusion alternative answer antidote approach attachment aversion contribution damage devotion disloyalty exception fidelity immunity incitement introduction preface prelude recourse reference relevance reply resistance return sequel solution susceptibility testimony threat vulnerability witness b) followed by preposition “for”: admiration appetite aptitude bid craving credit cure demand desire disdain dislike disregard disrespect hunger love need provision quest recipe regard remedy respect responsibility room search substitute sympathy synonym taste thirst c) followed by preposition “on”: assault attack ban claim comment concentration constraint crackdown curb dependence effect embargo hold insistence reflection reliance restriction stance tax d) followed by preposition “with”: affinity collision collusion connection contrast correspondence date dealings dissatisfaction encounter familiarity identification intersection intimacy involvement link parity quarrel relationship sympathy 111 e) followed by prepositions indicated: agreement about/on argument against/ for battle against/for case against/ for debate about/ on decision about/ on transition from/ to complex about crime against grudge against insurance against reaction against safeguard against anger at bond between departure from escape from excerpt from freedom from quotation from foray into relapse into awareness of authority over control over THE ADJECTIVE 17. A List of Qualitative Adjectives: active angry anxious appropriative attractive bad beautiful big brief bright broad busy calm careful cheap clean clear close comfortable common complex cool curious dangerous dark deer deep determined different difficult dirty dry easy effective efficient expensive fair familiar famous fast fat fine firm flat frank free fresh friendly frightened funny good great happy hard heavy high hot important interesting kind large late light likely long loose loud lovely low lucky narrow nervous new nice obvious odd old pale patient plain pleasant poor popular powerful pretty proud quick quiet rare reasonable rich rough sad safe sensible serious sharp shocked short sick significant silly simple slow small soft special steady strange strong stupid successful suitable sure surprised sweet tall terrible thick thin tight tiny tired typical understanding useful violent warm weak wet wide wild worried young 113 18. A List of Classifying Adjectives: absolute active actual agricultural alternative annual apparent available basic central chemical civil commercial communist conservative cultural daily democratic direct domestic double due east eastern economic educational electric empty external female financial foreign free full general golden historical human ideal independent industrial inevitable intellectual internal international legal local magic male medical mental military modern moral national natural negative north northern nuclear official open original personal physical political positive possible potential private professional proper public raw ready real religious revolutionary fight royal rural scientific separate sexual single social solid south southern standard straight sufficient theoretical traditional urban west western wooden wrong 19. A list of Adjectives Used as Qualitative and Classifying ones: academic conscious dry educational effective emotional extreme late modern moral objective ordinary regular religious revolutionary rural scientific secret similar 114 20. A List of Color Adjectives: a) color scheme: amethyst, beige, black, blue, brown, chrisolite, copper, coral, cream, crimson, emerald, fawn, golden, green, grey, lilac, maroon, mustard, ochre, opal, orange, pink, purple, raddled, red, rosy, ruby, scarlet, silver, topaz, turquoise, violet, white, yellow. b) color collocations: pale blue brown green grey orange pinkpu rplered yellow light blue brown green greypi nkpur plered yellow dull bright brilliant rich vivid warm dark deep blue brown blue blue blue brown blue blue brown brown green green green brown green orange green orange red orange orange green orange red pink orange pink pink greypi pinkpu red pink purple red rple nkpur redyel yellow red plered red low yellow yellow c) color shades: autumnal, bold, bright, brilliant, complementary, contrasting, dark, deep, dim, (in)distinct, dull, earthly, garish, gaudy, gay, indeterminate, intense, light, loud, lurid, matching, motley, muted, neutral, natural, opaque, pastel, pale, rich, soft, somber, strong, subdued, subtle, trans parent, vibrant, vivid, warm; d) compound color adjectives: apple green; blood red; blue black; bottle green; brick red; cherry red; copper brown; dove grey; electric blue; emerald green; flesh col ored; ice blue; iron grey; jet black; lime green; navy blue; nut brown; off white; olive green; pitch black; pea green; pearl grey; reddish brown; royal blue; salmon pink; shocking pink; sky blue; slate grey; snow white. 21. A List of Size and Shape Adjectives: aerodynamic, angular, arch, arrow, (a)symmetrical, average, banana, big, broad, circle, colossal, conic, concave, considerable, convex, cross, cubic, cylindrical, curved, deep, diminutive, dome, egg, elliptical, elon gated, enormous, extensive, fair, far, fine, flat, geometric(al), gigantic, hemispherical, hexagonal, horizontal, huge, immense, impressive, 115 inclined, large, limited, little, long, low, mammoth, massive, maximum, medium sized, minimum, minute, modest, non standard, narrow, near, oblong, oval, pear sized, pentagonal, petite, pint sized, pocket sized, pointed, plane, puny, pyramid(al), rectangular, round(ed), sizeable, shallow, short, smooth, square, spacious, spherical, straight, substan tial, tall, teeny, teeny weeny, thick, thin, three dimensional, tiny, tri angular, under sized, vast, vertical, wedge, wide. 22. A List of Emphasizing Adjectives and Nominal Collocations: absolute, blinking, blithering, blooming, blundering, complete, crash ing, entire, flaming, freezing, outright, perfect, piddling, positive, pure, raving, real, scalding, stinking, total, thumping, thundering, whopping. Absolute: certainty/ minimum/ nonsense/ disgrace. Complete: disaster/ confidence/ failure/ contrast/mess. Deep: breath/ depression/ sleet/ trouble/ mistrust/ concern/ regret. Great: difficulty/ success/ pity/ surprise/ skill/ care/ danger/ joy/ sadness/ importance. Heavy: rain/ losses/ traffic/ responsibility/ smoker/ drinker. High: proportion/ quality/ standards/ priority/ hopes/ degree/ expectations. Perfect: happiness/ harmony/ timing/ example/ opportunity/ condition. Profound: implications/ effect/ silence/ change. Strong: wind/ support/ opposition/ criticism/ sense/ feeling. Tremendous: amount/ pressure/ opportunity/ achievement/ excite ment/ speed. Utter: confusion/ rubbish/ nonsense/ lack. 23. A List of Submodifiers Used to Intensify the Meaning of Fdjectives: absolutely deeply extraordinarily hopelessly almost delightfully extremely horribly altogether disturbingly faintly hugely amazingly dreadfully fairy impossibly awfully eminently fantastically incredibly bitterly entirely far infinitely completely especially fully just considerably exactly greatly largely critically exclusively heavily mildly dangerously exceedingly highly mainly 116 moderately mostly nearly notably particularly partly perfectly predominantly pretty primarily purely quite radically rather really reasonably remarkably roughly seriously simply slightly somewhat strikingly supremely surprisingly suspiciously terribly totally unbelievably utterly vastly very violently virtually vitally wildly wonderfully 19. A List of Adjectives Used as Qualitative and Classifying ones: with positive adjectives awfully glad/ nice/ good _________________ with negative adjectives sorry/ dull/ hard/ difficult/ late bitterly disappointed/ divided/ opposed/ cold deeply grateful/ rooted/ concer ned/ involved/ affected enormously popular/ impressed/ beneficial/ important extraordinarily amusing/ generous/ lucky/ powerful highly regarded/ skilled/ edu cated/respected hugely popular/ successful/ tal ented immensely popular/ wealthy/ valu able/ powerful unpopular/ divided/ suspicious/ offensive complex difficult/ complex сritical/ competitive/ unlikely/ undesirable expensive difficult 117 intensely personal/ dramatic/ mov ing/ political seriously rich __________________ severely disabled/ damaged/ restrict ed/ limited terribly important/ excited/ funny wonderfully refreshing/ funny/ well absolutely rich/ clear/ sure/ necessary certain/ excellent/ perfect/ splendid/ vital/ wonder ful/ brilliant/ crucial entirely predictable/devoted/ sepa rate/ due/ clear fully appreciated/ aware/ recov ered/ justified perfectly normal/ acceptable/ rea sonable/clear/ good quite sure/happy/capable/right thoroughly modern/ professional/ sat isfactory totally satisfying/ secure/ free utterly persuasive/ charming wholly convincing unexpected/ unacceptable/ inadequate wrong/ evil/ mistaken/ false opposed/ unacceptable/ lacking spoilt/ unpleasant wrong/ absurd ridiculous ______________________ mistaken/ selfish/ wrong awful/ ridiculous/ appalling/ crazy/ absurd/ enormous/ furious/ huge/ impossible/ massive/ terrible _________________ wrong/ sad/ upset/ hard injured/ ill/ weakened/dam aged/ hurt/ wrong competitive/ irritated 118 25. A List of Adjectives which are Postdeterminers: additional, bottom, certain, chief, end, entire, existing, first, following, front, further, last, left, lower, main, middle, next, only, opposite, other, particular, past, present, previous, principal, right, remaining, same, spe cific, top, upper, usual. 26. A List of Prepositional Predicative Adjectives: a) followed by “to”: accustomed, adjacent, allergic, answerable, attributable, attuned, averse, bound, due, close, conducive, connected, devoted, immune, impervious, inclined, injurious, insensible, integral, parallel, prone, pro portional, proportionate, reconciled, related, resigned, resistant, similar, subject, subservient, susceptible, unaccustomed; b) followed by “of”: ashamed, aware, bereft, capable, characteristic, desirous, devoid, fond, full, heedless, illustrative, incapable, indicative, insensible, mindful, rem iniscent, representative; c) followed by “with”: burdened, compatible, connected, consonant, conversant, filled, fraught, parallel, riddled, stricken, tinged; d) followed by “from”: descended, immune; e) followed by “in”: inherent, lacking, rooted, steeped, swathed; f) followed by “on/ upon”: contingent, dependent, incumbent, intent, reliant; g) followed by “for”: answerable. 27. A List of ing Adjectives which are Related to Verbs: ageing ailing alarming amazing amusing annoying appalling astonishing astounding bleeding bewildering booming boring bursting challenging charming compelling confusing convincing decreasing demeaning depressing devastating diminishing disappointing disgusting distracting distressing disturbing dwindling dying embarrassing enchanting encouraging entertaining exciting existing forthcoming frightening harassing humiliating incoming increasing infuriating 119 inspiring interesting intimidating intriguing living menacing misleading mocking ongoing oncoming outcoming outgoing outstanding overbearing overwhelming pleasing prevailing recurring refreshing reigning relaxing remaining resounding rewarding rising ruling satisfying shocking sickening startling surprising tempting terrifying threatening thrilling tiring uplifting upstanding welcoming worrying 28. A List of ing Adjectives which are not Related to Verbs: acting appetizing balding becoming bracing cunning cutting dashing disarming driving engaging enterprising excruciating fetching floating gathering going impending halting haunting leading missing moving neighbouring penetrating piercing pressing promising rambling ravishing retiring revolting running scathing searching taxing trying unwitting 29. A List of Qualitative ed Adjectives Related to Verbs: agitated alarmed amused appalled astonished bored confused contented delighted depressed deprived disappointed disgusted disillusioned distressed embarrassed excited frightened inhibited interested pleased preoccupied puzzled satisfied shocked surprised tired troubled worried 120 30. A List of Classifying ed Adjectives Related to Verbs: abandoned armed blocked boiled broken canned classified closed concentrated condemned cooked divided drawn dried established fixed furnished haunted hidden improved infected integrated known licensed loaded paid painted processed reduced required torn trained united wasted 31. A List of Qualitative ed Adjectives not Related to Verbs: animated, attached, concerned, determined, disposed, disturbed, guard ed, hurt, inclined, mixed, strained. 32. A List of Classifying ed Adjectives not Related to Verbs: advanced, marked, noted, pointed, spotted, veiled. 33. A List of ed Adjectives Formed from Nouns: armoured barbed beaded bearded detailed flowered freckled gifted gloved hooded mannered pointed principled salaried skilled spotted striped turbaned walled winged 34. A List of ed Adjectives not Related to Verbs or Nouns: antiquated, ashamed, assorted, beloved, bloated, concerted, crazed, deceased, doomed, indebted, parched, rugged, sophisticated, tinned. 121 35. A List of Compound Qualitative Adjectives: absent minded accident prone big headed clear cut close fitting cold blooded easy going far fetched far reaching good looking good tempered hard up hard wearing ill advised kind hearted labour saving laid back light hearted long lasting long standing long suffering low cut low paid low slung mouth watering muddle headed narrow minded nice looking off hand off putting old fashioned one sided open minded run down second class second rate shop soiled short handed short lived short sighted short tempered slow witted smooth talking soft hearted starry eyed strong minded stuck up sun tanned swollen headed tender hearted thick skinned tongue tied top heavy trouble free two edged two faced warm hearted well balanced well behaved well dressed well known well off wind blown worldly wise wrong headed 36. A List of Compound Adjectives Borrowed from other Languages: a` la mode a posteriori a priori ad hoc ad lib au fait avant garde bona fide compos mentis cordon bleu de facto de jure de luxe de rigueur de trop ex gratia hors de combat infra dig laissez faire non compos mentis per capita prima facie pro rata sub judice 122 PRONOUNS 37. A List of Quantifiers: all another any both certain each either enough (a) few fewer less little lots many more most much neither none numbers one part plenty quantities several some various amount (a) little bit (a) bit (a) couple (a) good deal (a) great deal (a) little (a) lot (a) good many (a) great many (a)number quantity majority minority the remainder the rest the whole heaps loads masses tons (a)large number NUMERALS 38. A List of Approximate Amounts and Measurements: about almost maximum minimum approximately around at least at most at the maximum at the most less than more than nearly no more than odd or less or more or so or thereabout or under over roughly some something like under up to plus СПИСОК ВИКОРИСТАНОЇ ТА РЕКОМЕНДОВАНОЇ ЛІТЕРАТУРИ 1. Білецький А. О. Про мову і мовознавство. — К., 1996. 2. Вихованець І. Р. Частини мови в семантико граматичному аспекті. — К., 1988. 3. Вихованець І.Р. У світі граматики. — К., 1987. 4. Горпинич В. О. Морфологія української мови. — К.: Академія, 2004. 5. Зорівчак Р. П. Фразеологічна одиниця як перекладознавча проблема. — Львів, 1983. 6. Карпенко Ю. О. Вступ до мовознавства. — К.; Одеса, 1991. 7. Козачук Г. О. Українська мова для абітурієнтів. — К.: Вища школа, 2002. 8. Кочерган М. П. Вступ до мовознавства: Підручник. — К.: Академія, 2004. 9. Лайонз Дж. Введение в теоретическую лингвистику. — М., 1978. 10. Лисиченко А. А. Бесіди про рідне слово: Слово і його значення. — Харків, 1993. 11. Плющ М. Я. Сучасна українська літературна мова. Збірник вправ. — К.: Вища школа, 2003. 12. Ющук І. П. Вступ до мовознавства. — К.: 2000. 13. Alexander L. G. Longman Advanced Grammar. Reference and Practice. — Longman, 1996. 14. Alexander L. G. Longman English Grammar. — Longman, 1996. 15. Azar B. Understanding and Using English Grammar. — Longman, 1999. 16. Blokh M. Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. — М., Высш. школа, 1994. 17. Collins Cobuild. English Grammar. — London, 1994. 18. Side R. Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced and Proficiency. — Longman, 2003. 125 Словникова 19. Бенсон М. The Combinatory Dictionary of English. — М.: Русский язык, 1990. 20. Ганич Д. І., Олійник І. С. Словник лінгвістичних термінів. — К., 1985. 21. Головащук С. І.,Пещак М. М.,Русанівський В. М., Тараненко О. О. Орфографічний словник української мови. — К., 1994. 22. Караванський С. М. Практичний словник синонімів україн ської мови. — К., 1995. 23. Клименко Н., Карпіловська Є. Словник афіксальних морфем української мови. — К., 1998. 24. Коломієць М. П., Молодова Л. В. Словник іншомовних слів. — К., 1998. 25. Кульчицька І., Демська О. Словник омонімів української мови. — Львів, 1996. 26. Мельничук О. С. Етимологічний словник української мови. — К., 1982–1989. 27. Полюга Л. М. Словник антонімів української мови. — К., 1987. 28. Удовиченко Г. М. Фразеологічний словник української мови: У 2 т. — К., 1984. 29. Українська мова. Енциклопедія. — К., 1998. 30. Яременко В., Сліпушко О. Новий словник української мови: У 4 т. — К., 1998. 31. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. — Oxford, 1953. 32. Cambridge International Dictionary of English. — Cambridge, 1995. 33. Kirkpatrick B. The Oxford Paperback Thesaurus. An A Z of Synonyms. — Oxford, 1994. 34. Roget P. M. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. — London: Oxford, 1996. 35. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. — Oxford, 2002. 126 ЗМІСТ Передмова ............................................................................... 3 The Noun (Іменник) ............................................................. 5 The Adjective (Прикметник) ............................................ 40 The Pronoun (Займенник) ................................................. 66 The Numeral (Числівник) .................................................. 84 References (Довідковий матеріал) ................................. 101 Список використаної та рекомендованої літератури.......................................... 125 127 The recommended manual deals with the parts of speech that comprise the nominal group. The practical assignment renders the drill material for the con trastive analysis of the categories of the noun, the adjective, the pronoun, and the numeral as well as their semantic features in the English and Ukrainian lan guages. A considerable attention is paid to exercises for translation due to which the students learn to overcome difficulties of the syntagmatic organization of the English and Ukrainian languages and seek the adequate means of rendering the structural and semantic differences of the contrasted parts of speech. The educational manual is intended for the philologists and translators to be a practical supplement to the theoretical course “Contrastive Grammar of the English and Ukrainian Languages”. Навчальне видання Мирончук Тетяна Андріївна ЗБІРНИК ВПРАВ З ПОРІВНЯЛЬНОЇ ГРАМАТИКИ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ ТА УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ МОВ Навчальний посібник Educational edition Myronchyk, Teta'na A. EXERCISES IN CONTRASTIVE GRAMMAR OF THE ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN LANGUAGES Educational manual Відповідальний редактор М. В. Дроздецька Редактор Л. В. Логвиненко Коректор Т. К. Валицька Комп’ютерне верстання Т. В. Стеценко Оформлення обкладинки О. Вацковська Підп. до друку 7.04.05. Формат 60Ч84/16. Папір офсетний. Друк офсетний. Ум. друк. арк. 7,44. Обл. вид. арк. 9,25. Тираж 5000 пр. Зам. № 5 372 Міжрегіональна Академія управління персоналом (МАУП) 03039 Київ 39, вул. Фрометівська, 2, МАУП Свідоцтво про внесення до Державного реєстру суб'єктів видавничої справи ДК № 8 від 23.02.2000 Друкарня ТОВ “Техніка ЛТД” 03062 Київ 62, вул. Чистяківська, 32 Свідоцтво ДК № 54 від 17.04.2000